Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Seniorlife

Wayfinding, Signage and Donor Recognition The program is woven through the site, from campus naming, to streets, trails and to stone walls which identify areas and buildings with carved lettering.

Vehicular signs recall the buildings’ architecture, and concisely present direction with traffic regulations.

The interior wayfinding program uses beige glass to discreetly blend with the surroundings.

  • A map part of the wayfinding system of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Design
  • A wayfinding sign indicating direction part of the Wayfinding program of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • A wayfinding sign 2 indicating direction part of the Wayfinding program of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • A wayfinding sign 3 indicating direction part of the Wayfinding program of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • A wayfinding sign 4 indicating direction part of the Wayfinding program of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Zoom on wayfinding sign 4 indicating direction part of the Wayfinding program of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Elegant signage part of the Wayfinding System of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Zoom on elegant signage part of the Wayfinding System of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Architectural signage part of the Wayfinding System of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Zoom on architectural signage part of the Wayfinding System of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Zoom on engraved letters part of the Wayfinding System of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Signage Architectural signage part of the Wayfinding System of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Another signage part of the Wayfinding System of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Architectural signage part of the Wayfinding System of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Sign part of the Wayfinding System of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Architectural signage part of the Wayfinding System and Visual Identity of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting
  • Architectural signage part of the Wayfinding System and Visual Identity of Newbridge on the Charles, Hebrew Senior Life | CRA Consulting

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