Musee De La Chartreuse, Douai



Originally a monastery built in 1663,
with an added Chapel completed
in 1725, the museum embodies
the evolution of religious architecture during the Renaissance.

The multisensory exhibit design introduces the collection of reclining stones, as well as the chapel and cloister architecture. Tactile plans, elevations, details, and facsimiles describe the ornamental stones, and
are accompanied by audio commentary with period music.

  • Museum Exhibit Design from Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in Musee De La Chartreuse, Douai. Picture 1: Tomb accompanied by inscription readable by all
  •  Museum Exhibit Design from Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in Musee De La Chartreuse, Douai. Picture 2: A tactile plaque helps the museography to be accessible
  • Museum Exhibit Design from Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in Musee De La Chartreuse, Douai. Picture 3: An engraving part of the exhibit design
  • Museum Exhibit Design from Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in Musee De La Chartreuse, Douai. Picture 4: Photo of the Exhibit and Museography.
  • Museum Exhibit Design from Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in Musee De La Chartreuse, Douai. Picture 5: A tactile information plaque attached to a Raynes Rail - Audio and Braille Rail is part of the museography
  • Museum Exhibit Design from Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in Musee De La Chartreuse, Douai. Picture 6: A tactile information plaque with a cast reproducing the ornamentation of the museum and attache to a Raynes Rail - Audio and Braille handrail empowers visually impaired visitor. It is part of the overall exhibit design
  • Museum Exhibit Design from Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in Musee De La Chartreuse, Douai. Picture 7: Touchable Cast copying the architecture
  • Museum Exhibit Design from Coco Raynes Associates, Inc. in Musee De La Chartreuse, Douai. Picture 8: Touchable Cast copying the architecture

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